Map of Canada
composite 11 weightings donut chart Select Ottawa Select Montreal Select Quebec City Select Halifax Select Victoria Select Vancouver Select Calgary Select Edmonton Select Winnipeg Select Hamilton Select Toronto
Index base value of 100 = June 2005
Map of...
Land in square kilometers  
Population density (pop./km2)  
Number of occupied private dwellings  
Owned / Rented %  
One-family households  
Multi-family households  
Non-family households  
Average household income  
Aggregate value of dwellings  
CMA profile and table data are based on 2021 Census Data
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Teranet–National Bank House Price Index™

An independent representation of the rate of change of Canadian single-family home prices.
Post Category: Monthly Reports
October 17, 2024
Teranet-National House Price Index continues to rise in September

MONTH-OVER-MONTH After adjusting for seasonal effects, the Teranet-National Bank Composite House Price Index™, which covers the country’s eleven largest CMAs, grew by 0.5% from August to September, the third consecutive monthly increase. In September, eight of the 11 CMAs included in the index recorded growth: Montreal (+2.4%), Winnipeg (+1.8%), Victoria (+1.2%), Edmonton (+1.1%), Ottawa-Gatineau (+0.9%), […]

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This whitepaper offers an overview of:

  • How HPIs are widely used to estimate and monitor economic activity in the housing sector;
  • Insight into the variety of methods for calculating HPIs;
  • How HPIs play a significant role in policy development, market and financial regulation for public and private organizations around the globe.
Post Category: News and Economic Reports
October 17, 2024
House prices continue to rise while supply stagnates

After almost a year in the doldrums, house prices in Canada’s major urban centers rose by 0.5% for the second consecutive month, supported by more advantageous interest rates. Despite a significant rise in the number of new listings on the resale market, inventory has been stalling over the past four months due to a large number of sellers deciding to cancel their listings each month, thus limiting the deterioration in market conditions for the time being. However, we do not believe that this is the start of a significant upward trend in home prices across the country since, despite the continuing cycle of monetary policy easing, the resale market remains sluggish, showing no signs of significant recovery. Indeed, although interest rates have fallen, affordability conditions remain extremely difficult and the job market less buoyant, particularly for young people. With the Bank of Canada set to make further rate cuts in the coming months, and with the announcement of an increase in amortization from 25 to 30 years for insured mortgages to come in December, it’s likely that many buyers and sellers have decided to be patient and will sit on the sidelines in the months ahead, waiting for even more favourable financing conditions. After a few months in the doldrums, housing market activity could pick up again in 2025.

October 2024

HPI Methodology
Introduction to Index
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