Post Category: News and Economic Reports
December 18, 2020
House prices remain resilient in November

Teranet-National Bank Composite HPI registered a record monthly gain for the month of November, as it did in October. This performance coincides with the persistence of historically high home sales in many regions in Canada in conjunction with a low supply. Since July, the seasonally adjusted unsmoothed Composite HPI surged 6.3%. That being said, the upward trend in Canadian home prices does not apply
everywhere to all categories of dwellings. In Toronto, the rise in sales was mostly concentrated outside downtown in ground-level dwellings, at the expense of apartments. As for Greater Montreal, the Quebec Professional Association of Real Estate Boards reported a very significant increase in active listings for condominiums on the Island of Montreal, a sharp contrast with the other areas of that region. In Greater Vancouver and Victoria too, price increases of ground-level dwellings are outpacing that of apartments. The outlook for that segment of the market is most impacted by immigration flows and the still-elevated unemployment rate among young workers, that is, potential first-time home buyers.

November 2020

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