Post Category: Monthly Reports
February 14, 2017
Home Prices Up 0.5% In January

In January, the Teranet–National Bank National Composite House Price Index™ was up 0.5% from the previous month, matching the largest January increases in the 18-year history of the Index, in 2003 and 2010. Prices were up in seven of the 11 metropolitan markets surveyed. The increase exceeded the countrywide average in Hamilton (1.1%), Toronto (0.8%) […]

Post Category: News and Economic Reports
February 14, 2017
Economic News – Canada: House prices up 0.5% in January

OPINION: On a 12-month basis, national house prices were growing in January at their fastest post-recession pace (top chart). With prices in Vancouver having declined a cumulative 2.5% over the last four months, the strength at the national level really reflects Toronto, nearby Hamilton and Victoria (top chart). Incidentally, those are the three sole markets […]

Post Category: Monthly Reports
January 12, 2017
Home Prices Up 0.3% In December

In December, the Teranet–National Bank National Composite House Price Index™ was up 0.3% from the previous month, slightly more than the average December rise of 0.1% since the Index series began in 1999. Prices rose in eight of the 11 metropolitan markets surveyed. The increase exceeded the countrywide average in Toronto (1.2%), Victoria (1.2%), Quebec […]

Post Category: News and Economic Reports
January 12, 2017
Economic News – Canada: House prices up 0.3% in December

OPINION: National house price inflation has shed some momentum in recent months as Vancouver continues to deflate. Canada’s priciest city experienced its third consecutive monthly decline, and more is in store. The price drop so far was mostly concentrated in dwellings other than condos. This is consistent with house sales decline (since their February peak) […]

Post Category: Monthly Reports
December 14, 2016
Home Prices Up 0.2% In November

In November, the Teranet–National Bank National Composite House Price Index™ was up 0.2% from the previous month, slightly more than the average November rise of 0.1% since the Index series began in 1999. Prices rose in seven of the 11 metropolitan markets surveyed, in all cases by more than the countrywide average: Hamilton (1.4%), Toronto […]

Post Category: News and Economic Reports
December 14, 2016
Economic News – Canada: House prices up 0.2% in November

OPINION: In Vancouver, prices declined in November for a second month in a row, for a cumulative drop of 1.9%, concentrated in dwellings other than condos. This is consistent with the fact that the decline in house sales since their peak last February started in detached dwellings, and is so far deeper in that category […]

Post Category: Monthly Reports
November 15, 2016
Home Prices Up 0.3% In October

In October, the Teranet–National Bank National Composite House Price Index™ was up 0.3% from the previous month, slightly more than the average October rise of 0.2% since the Index series began in 1999. However, the advance was not very broad-based; prices rose in only six of the 11 metropolitan markets surveyed. Monthly gains exceeded that […]

Post Category: News and Economic Reports
November 15, 2016
NBFM Economic News – Canada: House prices up 0.3% in October

OPINION: In Vancouver, October saw the first monthly house price decline in 22 months. The drop was concentrated in dwellings other than condos, which includes detached homes, the category where sales declined the most since their peak in last February (top chart). Sales should continue to decline in Vancouver due to the new rulings (qualification […]

Post Category: Monthly Reports
October 13, 2016
Home Prices Up 0.8% In September

In September, the Teranet–National Bank National Composite House Price Index™ was up 0.8% from the previous month, the second-largest September rise since the Index series began in 1999. However, the advance was not very broad-based; prices rose in only six of the 11 metropolitan markets surveyed. Moreover, monthly gains exceeded that of the countrywide index […]

Post Category: News and Economic Reports
October 13, 2016
NBFM Economic News – Canada: House prices up 0.8% in September

OPINION: In Vancouver, after seven large monthly house price increases in a row, prices were virtually flat in September (top chart). This is consistent with the recent loosening in the home resale market, as sales dropped each month since their record level last February for a cumulative decline of 44% (middle chart). Prices in Vancouver […]