Post Category: Monthly Reports
January 20, 2020
2019: Vigour returns, except in the Prairies

In December the Teranet–National Bank National Composite House Price IndexTM was up 0.2% from the previous month. This was a good showing for a month of December, equalled or bettered in only three of the last 13 years.  The composite index for the month was braked by declines of the indexes for Calgary (−0.6%), Edmonton […]

Post Category: News and Economic Reports
January 20, 2020
Home prices trending up except in the Prairies

The last two monthly gains in the national HPI might seem moderate, but they are in fact larger than usual for this time of the year when resale activity is typically low. For instance, the 0.2% increase in December compares to an average of 0.1% for this month over the last 11 years. Indeed, after seasonal adjustment, the national HPI ended the year with a 5-month string of gains, including a strong 0.7% rise in December. This is quite a turnaround from the weakness experienced in the first half of 2019. Indexes for Toronto, Hamilton and more recently Vancouver, Victoria and Quebec City contributed to this trend reversal, while indexes for Ottawa-Gatineau, Montreal and Halifax performed well throughout the year. Only the indexes of the largest metropolitan areas in the Prairies, namely Calgary, Edmonton and Winnipeg remained lethargic over the second half of the year. This is consistent with end-of-year CREA
data showing that the home resale market in the Prairie Provinces is still favorable to buyers. At the opposite, markets are favorable to sellers in Ontario, Quebec and the Maritime Provinces, and balanced in B.C. For 2020, expect home prices to accelerate in all these regions except the Prairies.

January 2020

Post Category: News and Economic Reports
December 18, 2019
Housing market has momentum heading into 2020

The national HPI increase in November is atypical at this time of the year, as it dropped seven times in that month over the last ten years. Furthermore, the two index monthly drops among the 11 metropolitan areas comprised in the national HPI constitute the lowest diffusion of declines in November over the last decade. If we add 14 other metropolitan areas not comprised in the national index, we have seven index drops last month, which is also the lowest diffusion of declines for a month of November over the decade. Consistent with the recovery of home sales, the two consecutive gains in Vancouver’s index contributed to strengthen the national HPI. Meanwhile, Toronto’s index stagnated over the last two months as home sales plateaued. But this is not worrisome, as the market remains balanced. Montreal’s index displayed the most sustained performance, with 17 rises over the last 20 months, but it is second to Ottawa when it comes to cumulative growth over the period (15.4% for Ottawa against 11.0%
for Montreal).

December 2019

Post Category: Monthly Reports
December 18, 2019
A good showing for a month of November

In November the Teranet–National Bank National Composite House Price IndexTM was up 0.2% from the previous month. This was a good showing for a month of November – in seven of the last 10 Novembers, the index has declined (The last quarter of the year is typically a seasonal slow period). If purely seasonal variations […]

Post Category: News and Economic Reports
November 19, 2019
Vancouver’s HPI finally up in October

The fact that the national HPI began the fourth quarter with a dip is not troublesome. The fourth quarter is typically a lethargic period for the index. Indeed, last month’s decline was smaller than the average of the last ten Octobers. We do not think that October heralds a downward trend on the national home resale market. We rather welcome the first monthly rise of Vancouver’s index in 15 months. This is consistent with the strong revival of Vancouver home sales since August. On the other hand, October ended a run of six monthly rises in Toronto and Hamilton. Same story for the five-months runs of Montreal and Winnipeg. But there are no reasons to believe that October’s drops in these metropolitan areas are the start of a trend. Judging from the most recent data, the resale market remains balanced in Toronto and Winnipeg, and favorable to sellers in Montreal and Hamilton.

November 2019

Post Category: Monthly Reports
November 19, 2019
Vancouver’s index finally up in October

In October the Teranet–National Bank National Composite House Price IndexTM began the fourth quarter with a dip of 0.1% from the month before. The final quarter of the year is typically slow for the index, and the monthly decline was in line with the average of the last 10 Octobers, in five of which the […]

Post Category: News and Economic Reports
November 14, 2019
Home affordability improves for a third consecutive quarter in Q3 2019

The housing affordability composite index reversed back to its historical average in Q3 2019 as all observed markets improved in each of the last three quarters. The most significant factor to this development was the decline in mortgage rates. Indeed, the free-fall in financing costs over the last nine months was the most substantial since 2012 (-87 bps). The booming labour market also played a significant role in this development as income grew at a whopping 5.1% annualized over that period while home prices did not materially change at the national level. While our national housing affordability composite index is now in line with its historical average (43% of median income), it does not mean that the situation is back to normal in all metropolitan areas. Despite some welcome progress in the last three quarters (see chart on the left), the situation remains difficult in the two largest markets by housing market value. In Toronto, both condo and non-condo affordability improved substantially since Q4 2018 but remain above their respective historical averages. In Vancouver, the monthly mortgage payment as a percentage of income has reverted to its Q1 2016 level helped by a cumulative decline of home prices (down 8.1% since their peak). We note that affordability in the condo market in Greater Vancouver is back to its historical average while the non-condo segment remains costlier. Elsewhere in the country, the Montreal market for its part saw a smaller improvement as home prices registered the largest increase following Ottawa-Gatineau. Surging population growth in Canada’s largest metro areas, coupled with leveling mortgage rates should limit the scope for further improvement in home affordability.

Read research report

Post Category: News and Economic Reports
October 18, 2019
National HPI: An upward underlying trend arises

The fact that the national HPI has grown each month from May to September is not surprising. Almost all of the increase of a HPI during a year typically takes place over these months where the activity on the home resale market is the most intense. The underlying trend is better revealed when the HPI is seasonally adjusted. After that adjustment, the national HPI showed a downward trend from February to July, but the trend turned upward in August and September (left chart). That being said, this situation was not homogeneous among all the component regions. Seasonally adjusted or not, home prices continue to decline in Vancouver. But home sales in Vancouver have recovered strongly since their March trough (right chart). Over the period, conditions on the home resale market turned from “favorable to buyers” to “balanced”. This suggests that home price deflation should fade over the next few months in Vancouver.

October 2019

Post Category: Monthly Reports
October 18, 2019
Underlying rise of the composite index confirmed in September

In September the Teranet–National Bank National Composite House Price IndexTM was up 0.1% from the month before. As in the three previous months, the gain was below the 21-year average for the month, which for September is 0.2%. However, as in August, the September index would have remained up slightly if corrected for seasonal pressure […]

Post Category: News and Economic Reports
September 25, 2019
Neighbourhood Spotlight: Downtown Toronto West

Every month we publish data around the activity of the national composite index, and some highlights from Canada’s major housing markets. Our data goes a level deeper, and can highlight the house price activity of neighbourhoods down to the postal code. The new monthly Neighbourhood Spotlight features will focus on this data and highlight Canadian neighbourhoods with particularly high or low index values.

It’s no surprise that one of Toronto’s neighbourhoods is experiencing high index values, as home prices in the city have continued to increase year-over-year. The index covering Downtown Toronto West recently printed an all time high of 328.51. In fact, this was the highest index value in all of Canada in the second quarter of 2019. This neighbourhood includes Dovercourt Village, Little Portugal, Brockton and Roncesvalles, or the FSAs of M6G, M6H, M6J, M6K AND M6R. This neighbourhood has seen an index increase of 8.3% in the past year, 50.9% in the past three years, and 84.6% in the past five years.

In a recent study about the average prices of condos and homes in Toronto neighbourhoods, Zoocasa reported that Roncesvalles, also known as Toronto’s Little Poland, has been a good neighbourhood to invest in as condo prices here have increased 71% over the past five years. The average price of a condo in Roncesvalles is now around $650,000 which still makes it more affordable compared to other Toronto neighbourhoods. Roncesvalles is home to lots of restaurants, with close access to the Entertainment District and Financial District downtown, which could explain why the neighbourhood has become more popular and experienced a significant increase in the price of condos.

To learn more about how you can gain greater insights through our neighhourhood sub-indices contact Michael Pertsis at or Kan Zhu today.

For further information about upcoming reports, please contact:

Derek Tinney
Director, Product
Teranet Inc.
Phone: 604-751-2252
Michael Pertsis
Director, Mortgage Derivatives
National Bank Financial
Phone: 416.869.7124