Post Category: Monthly Reports
July 20, 2020
Confirmation of housing-market slowdown due to COVID-19

In June the Teranet–National Bank National Composite House Price IndexTM was up 0.7% from the month before, a rise half the average for June over the previous 10 years and the lowest June advance in 17 years. And if the index were corrected for seasonal pressures (seasonal adjustment), it would show a slight decline of […]

Post Category: Monthly Reports
June 17, 2020
First signs of housing-market slowdown

In May the Teranet–National Bank National Composite House Price IndexTM was up 1.1% from the previous month, a rise equal to the average for May over the last 10 years. Leading that countrywide average were the metropolitan markets of Ottawa-Gatineau (2.2%), Toronto (2.1%), Halifax (1.8%) and Hamilton (1.6%). Advances lagging the countrywide average were reported […]

Post Category: Monthly Reports
May 20, 2020
A swan song before Covid-19 infects the indices?

In April the Teranet–National Bank National Composite House Price Index™ was up 1.3% from the previous month. As in February and March, that was double the average gain of the last 10 Aprils. Leading the countrywide average rise were the metropolitan markets of Ottawa-Gatineau (2.4%), Toronto (2.0%), Halifax (1.8%), Montreal (1.7%), Victoria (1.2%), Hamilton (1.1%) […]

Post Category: Monthly Reports
April 20, 2020
Another strong increase in the Composite Index in March

In March the Teranet–National Bank National Composite House Price IndexTM was up 0.6% from the previous month. As was the case in February, this was double the average March rise of the last 10 years. Leading the advance were the markets of Ottawa-Gatineau (1.1%), Vancouver (1.0%) and Toronto (0.9%). Trailing the countrywide average were rises […]

Post Category: Monthly Reports
March 18, 2020
A vigorous gain for a month of February

In February the Teranet–National Bank National Composite House Price IndexTM was up 0.4% from the previous month, a rise that was double the average of the last 10 Februarys. Component indexes were up for seven of the 11 markets surveyed – Montreal 1.1%, Vancouver 0.8%, Halifax 0.8%, Toronto 0.4%, Victoria 0.2%, Winnipeg 0.1% and Ottawa-Gatineau […]

Post Category: Monthly Reports
February 20, 2020
The 12-month rise of the national index has been supported by Eastern Canada

In January the Teranet–National Bank National Composite House Price IndexTM edged up 0.1% from the previous month, a so-so showing for a month of January. In only three of the last 10 years (including last year) has the January change been lower. The composite index was braked this January by declines of the indexes for […]

Post Category: Monthly Reports
January 20, 2020
2019: Vigour returns, except in the Prairies

In December the Teranet–National Bank National Composite House Price IndexTM was up 0.2% from the previous month. This was a good showing for a month of December, equalled or bettered in only three of the last 13 years.  The composite index for the month was braked by declines of the indexes for Calgary (−0.6%), Edmonton […]

Post Category: Monthly Reports
December 18, 2019
A good showing for a month of November

In November the Teranet–National Bank National Composite House Price IndexTM was up 0.2% from the previous month. This was a good showing for a month of November – in seven of the last 10 Novembers, the index has declined (The last quarter of the year is typically a seasonal slow period). If purely seasonal variations […]

Post Category: Monthly Reports
October 18, 2019
Underlying rise of the composite index confirmed in September

In September the Teranet–National Bank National Composite House Price IndexTM was up 0.1% from the month before. As in the three previous months, the gain was below the 21-year average for the month, which for September is 0.2%. However, as in August, the September index would have remained up slightly if corrected for seasonal pressure […]

Post Category: Monthly Reports
September 19, 2019
The 12-month rise of the index accelerates for the first time in nine months

In August the Teranet–National Bank National Composite House Price IndexTM was up 0.4% from the month before. As in the three previous months, the gain was below the 21-year average for the month, 0.7% in the case of August. In contrast to May, June and July, however, the August index would have been up slightly […]